First of all, I welcome you to this page, the name obviously tells us what the topic is about.
The use of concept maps and mind maps has increased considerably in the last year, because we all found the need to study from home for reasons that we all know.
We found that many of our friends were searching on the internet how to make them and also downloading templates, but it turns out that these templates were in a vector format, that is, they had to make use of specialized programs and not all of them had the possibility to do it and even more, they did not know how to use them.
In the end they ended up making their concept and mind maps in Word and PowerPoint, or they made use of online programs, some because of the ease, but others did not appeal to them in view of the fact that they had to pay in most cases if they wanted to access the complete tools.
Therefore, as I said before they ended up using Office programs for the most part, adding that the articles they found on how to make the schemes were not updated and explained little about the steps to be followed.
To conclude, my name is Yatmar, I am 29 years old and I would like to show you that making a concept and mind map is very easy if you follow the recommendations I will give you.
Also, I invite you to take a look at the Word and PowerPoint templates that seek to solve the problem I mentioned at the beginning.
Once again I welcome you and I hope you enjoy and find useful the content I will be preparing for you. God bless you