Conceptual Map of the History of Psychology Easy Guide ◁


Conceptual Map of the History of Psychology Easy Guide

The history of psychology is a fascinating journey through time, from the philosophical questions of antiquity to the establishment of psychology as a formal science in the 19th century. 

Throughout this journey, diverse currents and approaches have enriched our understanding of the human mind and behavior, giving rise to a diverse and constantly evolving discipline. 

The concept map provides a structured overview of these milestones, connections and ramifications that have shaped Psychology as we know it today.

Concept Map on the History of Psychology from its Roots to the Present Day 

The following concept map is a simplified representation of the history of psychology, which will help you understand the beginnings of this fascinating science. This semantic network will serve as a guide for you to create your own concept map. 

As a recommendation for more information, consult a psychology textbook or a reliable online resource such as Wikipedia, among others.

👉 See also the new conceptual map of Psychology with its main branches.

Concept Map on the History of Psychology from its Roots to the Present Day


To summarize the concept map: 

💡 Psychology has a long history dating back to classical antiquity.

💡 Scientific psychology was born in the 19th century with the establishment of the first experimental psychology laboratory.

💡 The first currents of psychology were structuralism and functionalism.

💡 Other important strands of psychology include psychoanalysis, Gestalt psychology and behaviorism.

💡 Psychology today is a diverse and multifaceted science that focuses on wellness and mental health.

Guide to Creating a Mind Map of the History of Psychology:

1. Define the Central Theme:

The first step is to define the central theme of the mind map. In this case, the central theme is the history of psychology.

2. Select the Main Stages:

Next, you need to select the main stages of the history of psychology. Some options for main stages are:

Prehistory: The earliest ideas about the mind and human behavior.

Antiquity: Psychology in ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt.

Middle Ages: The influence of religion and philosophy on psychology.

Renaissance: The rise of scientific thought and its impact on psychology.

19th Century: The founding of psychology as an experimental science.

20th Century: The different schools of thought in psychology.

21st Century: Current psychology and its challenges.

3. Identify the Subtopics:

For each main stage, you need to identify the subtopics that relate to it. For example, for the main stage of the 19th Century, some subtopics could be:

Structuralism: The school of thought founded by Wilhelm Wundt.

Functionalism: The school of thought founded by William James.

Behaviorism: The school of thought founded by John B. Watson.

Psychoanalysis: The school of thought founded by Sigmund Freud.

4. Organize the Concepts:

It is important to organize the concepts hierarchically, from the most general to the most specific. You can use different colors, shapes, and sizes to differentiate the different levels of hierarchy.

5. Add Relationships Between Concepts:

The relationships between concepts can be represented with arrows or lines. It is important that the arrows indicate the direction of the relationship.

6. Review and Edit the Mind Map:

Finally, it is important to review and edit the mind map to make sure it is clear, concise, and easy to understand. You can ask someone else to review your mind map to get feedback.

Additional Resources:

👉 Learn how to create concept maps correctly according to their inventor: Joseph Novak.

👉 Use specialized software to create concept maps: CmapTools

👉 Use pre-designed Templates: Concept Map Templates in Word and PowerPoint